Our journey started in 2013 when we became aware of the fact how much textile waste was incinerated or was ending up in useless landfills. Only a small amount is actually being recycled and recovered. Such a shame! So we started looking for ways to turn this "waste" into something new again. We found our challenge in the most popular garment of all time: jeans. Since then, we have been designing and producing clothes from recycled denim. Over the years, we have started recycling many more fabrics such as old woolen sweaters and polyester. We keep challenging ourselves and trying to drive new innovations. The Blue LOOP collection is designed and produced with the aim of preserving the textile industry with every small step we take.
Our mission statement is 'WORN to REBORN', where we aim to give discarded clothes a high-quality second life. So that less textile waste is incinerated or ending up in landfills and more clothes are recycled into new garments.